Input (STORM movie) file formats

The following are the image/movie formats that are supported. Loading these files is handled by


This is a Zhuang lab custom format. It is basically a raw format. Each movie consists of two files, a binary .dax file that contains the data as 16 bit integers and a text .inf file that includes the information necessary to properly load the file.

A sample .inf file

binning = 1 x 1
data type = 16 bit integers (binary, big endian)
frame dimensions = 256 x 256
number of frames = 2
x_start = 129
x_end = 384
y_start = 129
y_end = 384


The standard tiff image format. Images should be gray-scale. BigTIFF images are also supported. IO is handled by the tifffile package.


This is a Roper Scientific binary format. We believe that our reader works and that it supports the 16 and 32 bit integer formats and the 32 bit float format, but we rarely test it.