.. highlight:: none Post Analysis ============= There are a few utilities for processing and rendering the results of the analysis included in this project. .. note:: The `Matlab STORM `_ project also includes a viewer. Visualization & Rendering ------------------------- Visualizer ~~~~~~~~~~ ``storm_analysis/visualizer/visualizer.py`` You can use this program to evaluate the quality of the analysis and to decide if the analysis parameters are reasonable. It provides a simple GUI viewer in which you can load a STORM movie and a XX.hdf5 or a XX_list.bin file. It will show an overlay of the localizations that were found in the current frame. Rendering ~~~~~~~~~ Image can be created from .hdf5 localization files using ``storm_analysis/sa_utilities/hdf5_to_image.py``. This can be used from the command line to create 2D .tif images (32 bit float format). In addition it provides a number of functions that you can use to create 2D or 3D images (returned as numpy arrays). Clustering ---------- DBSCAN ~~~~~~ ``storm_analysis/dbscan/dbscan_analysis.py`` This is an implementation of the `DBSCAN `_ clustering algorithm that works on HDF5 format localization files. Getting started: :: $ python ./dbscan_analysis.py --help $ python ./cluster_images.py --help Voronoi ~~~~~~~ ``storm_analysis/voronoi/voronoi_analysis.py`` This is an implementation of the SR-Tesseler clustering algorithm (`Levet et al `_) that works on HDF5 format localization files. Gettings started: :: $ python ./voronoi_analysis.py --help Note: * This is a pure Python implementation and may be slow when dealing with more than 1M localizations. * The density factor is relative to the median Voronoi polygon area. * Clustering is always done in 2D and the molecules category is always ignored. Other ----- FRC ~~~ ``storm_analysis/frc/frc_calc2d.py`` This is an implementation of the FRC method (`Nieuwenhuizen et al `_) for estimating the resolution of a STORM image. Getting started: :: $python ./frc_calc2d.py --help Note: * Results are plotted using matplotlib and also saved in the output text file. * This is the un-corrected FRC, so repeated localizations of the same molecule could artificially increase the apparent resolution.